5 Tips to Help Beginner Piano Players Learn Faster
Many times I wish I had a time machine and have a redo of my piano lessons. Now that I am a piano and music teacher, I have come to realise that I have missed out on important aspects in…

4 Piano Songs That Are PERFECT For Beginners | Easy and Impressive
Get the cheat sheet here: https://bestpianoclass.com/4songs What’s up my piano friends!! Today’s video we’re going go over 4 piano songs that are absolutely PERFECT to play even if you’re a complete beginner. They’re easy… but they SOUND impressive. So, ya…

Turkish March by Mozart (Piano Lesson with Sheet Music)
Learn how to play the Turkish March by Mozart. Piano lesson with sheet music.

The Only Way You Should Practice Piano
There’s a bad way to practice and a good way to practice. Here’s the ONLY way you should practice. Find out how my students learn even difficult pieces in sometimes just 5 minutes of practice. Are you an advocate of…

4 Easy Piano Songs For Beginners
Can you play a song the first time you ever play the piano? YES! When Lisa was teaching privately, she would always make sure the student played a song in their very first Playing songs is why we…

EASIEST Way to Learn Songs on Piano?? (or is it…)
HD Piano: https://bestpianoclass.com/hdpiano PDF Cheat Sheet: https://bestpianoclass.com/60goal Today’s lesson I’m going to cover a new easy way to learn songs on piano that’s been catching on recently. And it’s not sheet music, playing by ear, or using chords instead it’s…

How To Get Rid of Nerves Before a Piano Performance
I used to get terribly nervous before piano recitals as a young Even now, relearning piano as an adult, I feel anxious just playing in front of my own adult Watch Jazer’s video above for tips on…

Can You REALLY Learn Piano As An Adult?
I get this question all the “Zach, I never played as a I think I missed my can I ACTUALLY learn piano as an adult?” Well, the short answer is But, we have to do…

Piano Brain Training 🧠 Contrary Motion Exercises
This scale sounds fancy, but it’s not as hard as it Start with both thumbs on Middle Then play the C scale UP with your right hand and DOWN with your It’s time to train your…