Pianoforall Free Sample Lesson
This sample lesson is from the first e-book in the Pianoforall course. The lesson above uses the chords that you have just learned about, but now you play them as broken chords.

Is It Too Late To Learn Piano?
Are you worried that it might be too late for you to learn piano? Well, fear not! The guys at Alamo Music Center, believe that it is never too late to start your musical journey. In this video, they address the question of …

7 Pitfalls Piano Beginners Face and Tips That Will Help
Do you feel like you’re stuck in a rut? And no matter how much you study or practice on the piano, there seems to be no progress at all? This might be the video for you…

The Secret to Effective Piano Practice
You love practicing piano, but you are unsure of how to structure it. How much time should be dedicated to technique, sight reading, or ear training? Learning a new piece or maybe mastering an already learned piece?

10 Amazing Brain Benefits of Piano Playing
Music has always been a source of joy and inspiration for people all over the world, but did you know that playing music can also have a profound impact on our brains? It’s all thanks to a process called neuroplasticity…

Are Piano Learning Apps Any Good?
Are you interested in learning how to play the piano? Well, you’re in luck because there are now piano learning apps available that can help you on your musical journey. In this article, we will explore the pros and cons of using these apps…

How to Create a Blues Solo on Piano
Learn how to form the Blues scales from their respective pentatonic scales (Major & Minor) and then learn how to create a melodic and lyrical Piano solo over the 12 bar blues form.

12 Bar Blues Piano for Beginners
Learn how to sing & play the 12 bar blues for beginners on piano with Jason Zac. Learn the 12 bar blues chord progression and song form (phrase structure) with singing and piano accompaniment.

The Best Blues Piano Patterns for Both Hands
Learn how to play idiomatic Blues piano patterns for both the right hand and left hand. Also, understand the concept of ”Swing” and the Charleston rhythm. #1 FAST Way to Learn Piano – Find Out How This is Part B…

7 Tips for How Adults Can Learn Piano Quickly
This video is for all adult piano beginners out there. I talk about 7 tips to help you learn piano efficiently and stay motivated. Learning piano is only for kids, right? Wrong! Learning piano in adulthood is an enriching and…